
Leadership Development


Whether you are already leading a team, want to preparare to step into a leadership role, or need help facing a challenging work situation, find all the tools and support you need.

Get clear on what you need in order to achieve your goals and start working on it - be it learning how to better manage conflict in difficult teams, stepping up your visibility to get opportunities and recognition, or showing up everyday as the inspiring leader you know you are.

Thriving at Work & Balance


Whether you are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or simply not as effective as you know you can be, we will understand what is not working and find the way of achieving that feels right for you. 

We will talk about what you want your days to look like, set smart goals and take impactful steps - be it prioritizing, setting proper boundaries, or more - to help you stop rushing, get your energy back and take control of your days.

Expats & Relocations


Starting an international assignment or permanently moving to a new place can be one of the most exciting times in your life, but it also brings lots of stress, uncertainty and very specific challenges - logistical, cultural, and more. Even if it’s not your first time.

Drawing from global best practices as well as my own experience as both an expat worker and spouse, relocation-focused coaching can help you manage stress and priorities, quickly understand the environment around you, communicate your strengths and identity, and fully embrace your new experience.